What a tale my thoughts could tell

This is Playground in My Mind. If you could read my thought, love, these are some of my words unspoken nor wandering. Just like an old time movie, to reminisce and not to drift away from life

Saturday, November 26, 2011

1433 Years : Remember The Prophet’s Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam Hijrah to Madinah


Duhai yang memisahkan orang-orang tercinta
Duhai rumah dunia, aku pasti meninggalkanmu
Duhai yang menggrogoti hari-hari, ada apa dengan angan-anganmu
Duhai sakaratul maut yang pasti terjadi, kenapa kau masih tertawa
Kenapa kau tidak menangis, menangisi dirimu
Jika tidak, kepada siapa kau menangis ?
Ingat, adakah yang hidup tanpa direnggut kematian
Namun, keyakinan mana yang sekarang ini ditutupi keraguan ?

Friday, November 25, 2011

The 3 Things

Trust someone who can see there 3 things in u: The sorrow behind your smile. The love behind your anger. & The reason behind your silence.

the love stories

i shouldnt event jealous ...
you are not even mine., You have to hurt in order to know, fall in order to grow, lose in order to gain, because most of life's lessons are learned in pain

The Day after Tommorow

Don't think about your past or future if they just distract your present. The most important thing is to enjoy your present. but,
Courage doesn't always roar, sometimes it's that quiet voice at the end of the day that says "I will try again tomorrow. So,
As long as you give it your best, there is no time to regret. Even when the result is not good at all.

M o t h e r

So many ways to say "I love you", but not enough words in this world to say how much my feeling to you mum!

You have to take the good with the bad, smile when you're sad, love what you got and always remember what you had.

Two of the hardest tests in life: The patience to wait for the right moment and the courage to accept that you've waited for nothing.

It’s quite ironic that in life, the person that brings out the best in you & the one that makes you strong is actually your weakness

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Top 10 BEST Android Apps 2011 MUST HAVE v1

Catatan untuk Tuhan #2

"Ya Allah, kami ikhlas menerima kesendirian ini, kami pasrahkan jodoh yang berkualitas & terbaik dari sisiMu untuk kami. pasangan yang menenteramkan hati kami, berpegang teguh dijalanMu. Juga pasangan yg peduli & mengasihi sesama. Ya Allah, kabulkanlah doa kami."

Crying heart

Did it pass by…Our love
Is it just a heart-breaking memory..
It's turning around…Your heart…Can't I catch it with my tears…
My love I love you, Are you listening…
Don't forget…Don't erase…Our love..
Can you see my tears. I long for you all day
My heart beat when we kissed but now it's all a memory

Everyday I long for you. That's how my day goes by. Where are you…
I'm sorry I'm sorry that I can't forget you…
My love come back to me.. Don't leave my side, please…

It hurts here, it keeps hurting
Medicine is not helping
If I hold that familiar hand,
I think it will be a little better

Why did you say that?
You used to say that you can't live without me
Don't you at least need to pretend to comfort me before you leave?

* It hurts here - because of our ended love, love
These tears fall so my heart is bruised
It really hurts a lot even if I touch it a little
In my heart that is about to crumble,
There is a scar that is greater than a scar
It hurts here

You were so mean, so cold
You weren't the person I used to know
Did you dislike me a lot?
Then you should've given me a chance to fix myself

I love you, I love you
If you hear this proclamation
Even if it's once, even if it's just for once
Can you please hug me warmly?

Monday, November 14, 2011

The 9 Essential Skills of Human Resources Management

When interviewing a potential new hire, it’s standard procedure for a Human Resources professional to assess the candidate as compared to a list of key skills and personal characteristics needed for the job.

In considering ideas to start our new HR Daily Advisor service, some at BLR thought it might be interesting to turn the tables on the profession, and come up with a list of such attributes for Human Resources professionals themselves.

In no way is this authoritative, but it is the opinion of people, including BLR Founder and Publisher Bob Brady, who’ve spent decades meeting with HR professionals, supporting their goals and reporting their achievements. You may agree or not with our assessments, but either way, we’d like to hear about it via the “share comments” link on this page.

That said, here goes:

Human Resources Management Key Skill #1: Organization

Human Resources management requires an orderly approach. Organized files, strong time management skills and personal efficiency are key to the Human Resources function. You’re dealing with people’s lives and careers here, and when a manager requests a personnel file or a compensation recommendation that lines up with both the organization and the industry, it won’t do to say, “Hold on. I’ll see if I can find it.”

Human Resources Management Key Skill #2: Multitasking

On any day, an HR professional will deal with an employee’s personal issue one minute, a benefit claim the next and a recruiting strategy for a hard-to-fill job the minute after. Priorities and business needs move fast and change fast, and colleague A who needs something doesn’t much care if you’re already helping colleague B. You need to be able to handle it all, all at once.

Human Resources Management Key Skill #3: Discretion and Business Ethics

Human Resources professionals are the conscience of the company, as well as the keepers of confidential information. As you serve the needs of top management, you also monitor officers’ approaches to employees to ensure proper ethics are observed. You need to be able to push back when they aren’t, to keep the firm on the straight and narrow. Not an easy responsibility! Of course, you always handle appropriately, and never divulge to any unauthorized person, confidential information about anyone in the organization.

Human Resources Management Key Skill #4: Dual Focus

HR professionals need to consider the needs of both employees and management. There are times you must make decisions to protect the individual, and other times when you protect the organization, its culture, and values. These decisions may be misunderstood by some, and you may catch flak because of it, but you know that explaining your choices might compromise confidential information. That’s something you would never do.

Human Resources Management Key Skill #5: Employee Trust

Employees expect Human Resources professionals to advocate for their concerns, yet you must also enforce top management’s policies. The HR professional who can pull off this delicate balancing act wins trust from all concerned.

Human Resources Management Key Skill #6: Fairness

Successful HR professionals demonstrate fairness. This means that communication is clear, that peoples’ voices are heard, that laws and policies are followed, and that privacy and respect is maintained.

Human Resources Management Key Skill #7: Dedication to Continuous Improvement

HR professionals need to help managers coach and develop their employees. The goal is continued improvement and innovation as well as remediation. And looking to their own houses, the HR professional also uses technology and other means to continuously improve the HR function itself.

Human Resources Management Key Skill #8: Strategic Orientation

Forward-thinking HR professionals take a leadership role and influence management’s strategic path. In gauging and filling the labor needs of the company, devising compensation schemes, and bringing on board new skill sets leading to business growth, they provide the proof for the often-heard management comment, “People are our most important asset.”

Human Resources Management Key Skill #9: Team Orientation

Once, companies were organized into hierarchies of workers headed by supervisors. Today, the team is king. HR managers must consequently understand team dynamics and find ways to bring disparate personalities together and make the team work.

Before you talk, listen. Before you pray, forgive. Before you quit, try.

If things are meant to happen, it will happen. Just be happy and expect less so that in the end, u'll be able to stand again

We do not attract that which we want, we attract that which we are:

God put speed bumps and pot holes in our roads in life, so we can truly appreciate the little things. Stay positive, keep smiling!

No matter how far you are.. Love will always be there. It will find it's way.

I don’t forgive people because I’m weak. I forgive them because I’m strong to understand people make mistakes, so.........................
When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.

Sometimes you have to smile, pretend everything's ok, hold back the tears, and just walk away

Lesson in our life: "Live in simplicity and don't exceed your financial capability.

Every thing in life is a Choice, and every Choice comes with a Consequence.

There are times that it is better to let things happen, rather than insisting on how you want them to be done, so Self reflection isn't easy. Embrace your haters; save your energy by listening to their critics. Improve yourself and FLY

Relationship needs TLC: Trust Love Commitment.

Having a good relationship is like we build a house. We must have good materials. Those are honesty,trust and love

You can’t depend on others to get what you WANT, but you gotta dream big & run after your goals, coz NO ONE is gonna do it for you.

I’ve seen the best of you. I’ve seen the worst of you. And I love you. I love the way you are. That simple.

Sometimes someone has to walk out of your life, for someone BETTER to walk in.

I Love You' isn't something to say too quickly. It's not just a word, though a lot of people will just throw it out there
True love is not a push. True love is a courage to love and accept someone for what they are with all our heart

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Ya Allah, Engkaulah Sumber Kebahagiaan kami. Tolonglah kami, kuatkan kami dg cintaMu, menjadi sadar akan cinta kami, kehilangan kami, kedukaan kami, mengatasi perasaan marah, kecewa, luka perih dihati, agar kami rela menerima ketetapanMu yg membentuk pribadi kami menjadi lebih kuat & sabar dlm menjalani kehidupan ini

Friday, November 11, 2011

Terkadang, seseorang memilih menjauh dari dia yg dicinta, hanya karena ingin tahu apakah dia merindukannya juga

When you finally find someone who you want to spend the rest of your life with, you want the rest of your life to start right away. f You Get A Chance To See Him, Your Heart Begins To Dance. Your Life Revolves Around Him, There's Nothing Like Romance.
Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile, and finds in your presence that life is worth while, so when you are lonely, remember this is true: Somebody, somewhere is thinking of you
You give me something no one else can, a reason to live. If in this lifetime, I wont get to have you, I'll make sure that if I meet you in my next life I wont have to think twice on saying that "I waited a lifetime to say I love you... I would give up everything for one moment with you; for one moment is better than a lifetime of not knowing you It's hard to live alone, its hard to choose someone to love, but the hardest part of falling is to admit that you have fallen in love with someone you didn't mean to love from the start... Love can touch just one time, but it can last for a life time. Life is only worth living once you've found someone worth dying for. It takes a life time to find someone, but only a moment to fall in love.

The best investment you can make in a Soulmate is not money. It is love, time, and attention.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Mitos : Cinta saja sudah cukup sebagai dasar berhubungan Fakta : Dalam memilih pasangan, banyak orang yang mengedepankan perasaan cinta yang menggebu-gebu. Hal itu tidak salah, namun saat ingin menjalin hubungan yang lebih serius misalnya pernikahan, sekadar perasaan cinta yang menggebu saja tidak cukup. Layaknya tanaman, cinta pun membutuhkan nutrisi untuk menjaganya tetap hidup. Kepercayaan, toleransi, intimasi serta komitmen adalah nutrisi utama bagi perasaan cinta. Jika Anda hanya merasakan cinta, tanpa diikuti oleh nutrisinya, maka dapat dipastikan, perasaan itu tak akan bertahan lama. Mitos : Cinta tak perlu dipelajari Fakta : Cinta juga perlu dipelajari. Jika Anda menganggap cinta saja sudah cukup, maka secara otomatis Anda dan pasangan tak akan pernah belajar untukberkomunikasi dan menyelesaikan masalah. padahal, sebesar apapun cinta Anda, kerikil dalam hubungan tak akan bisa dihindari. Namun ketika badai dahsyat yang menguji cinta Anda bisa dilewati, maka ikatan Anda dan pasangan makin kuat. Oleh karena itu, jangan jadikan perasaan cinta Anda alasan untuk berhenti belajar dan mengenal pasangan lebih dalam. Mitos : Pasangan tak akan berubah sampai kapanpun Fakta : Setiap orang akan mengalami perubahan seiring berjalannya waktu. Dulu si dia sering menulis puisi bagi Anda, namun kini, SMS romantis pun tak pernah ada. Anda tak bisa menahan perubahan tersebut. Yang bisa Anda lakukan adalah menyesuaikan diri dengan perubahan yang ada maka Anda akan berbahagia. Lagipula, apakah cinta si dia hanya bisa dibuktikan lewat puisi-puisinya saja? Mitos : Pasangan sempurna akan membuat Anda bahagia Fakta : Tak ada seorangpun yang sempurna. Seperti kata pepatah, jangan menghabiskan waktu Anda untuk mencari orang yang sempurna. Tapi carilah seseorang yang bisa menyempurnakan kehidupan Anda. Si dia mungkin tak seganteng Brad Pitt, tak sekaya Donald Trump dan rambutnya tak setebal Sharuk Khan. Tapi kesabarannya dapat membuat hati Anda tenang setiap saat. Itulah pasangan yang 'sempurna'. Mitos : Pernikahan adalah prestasi Fakta : Jangan pernah terganggu dengan status sahabat yang sudah menikah. Menikah bukan prestasi. Memiliki suami bukan berarti Anda memiliki kelebihan dari wanita lain. Ketimbang putus asa karena status single, lebih baik buka pikiran Anda menjadi lebih positif. Aura dan emosi positif justru akan membuat Anda semakin menarik. Dan jika saatnya tepat, seorang 'pangeran' akan datang dan meminang Anda.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

ღ Dare Our Dream ღ

" Sometimes...We have to let go of someone we care for very deeply when we realize that person does not care for us in the same way... Maybe it is best to leave them remembering us with whatever kind of feeling they do have for us... It may not be possible to hide our own deeper feelings for that person... Which could make their life uncomfortable... Letting Go may be the best gift we can give them because they may realize how we feel... Yet care enough not to want to hurt us.."

The Heart

Your heart changes as you age and every time it is broken BUT you have two options ~ one is to become dark, cold and bitter like the cold winter sky right before a storm OR the other is to become deeper, richer and intense like the colors of the perfect sunset as the day melts into the night ~


In a true partnership, the kind worth striving for, the kind worth insisting on, and even, frankly, worth divorcing over, both people try to give as much or even a little more than they get. "Deserves" is not the point. And "Owes" is certainly not the point. The point is to make the other person as happy as we can, because their happiness adds to ours. The point is -- in the right hands, everything that you give, you get.

Spandau Ballet - True - YouTube

Spandau Ballet - True - YouTube:

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I miss you so much ~ all day long... I just can't wait to be with you. I miss you so much I just wanna squeeze you tight and never let you go. I miss you so much I just wanna cover you with kisses and never stop. I miss you so much and I am so happy God put you in my life ~♥~
Sweet words are easy to say.... Sweet things are easy to buy.. But sweet people like you are difficult to find...... ... Life ends when you stop dreaming...... Hope ends when you stop believing..... Love ends when you stop caring..... Friendship ends when you stop sharing.... Forgive the heart that hurts you.... And don't hurt the heart that loves you.... Don't cry over anyone that won't cry over you...
Ya Allah, cintaMu bagiku mengatasi segala derita dalam hidupku. Engkau tahu bahwa aku insan biasa, Engkau tahu bahwa aku lemah. Engkau tahu kebutuhanku sebelum aku memohon kepadaMu. Berikanlah keindahan, ketenangan, kesejukan jiwa serta hatiku di malam ini
Don’t you know that I am watching you like this Don’t you hear my heart trembling a little and hesitating Even though I try to remember and erase it and let you go My thoughts are only full of you The secret I really can’t hide is directed toward someone Though I try to bare with it and block it All of a sudden I think of you I don’t know this beating, it doesn’t seem like mine When I stay still and listen, you are living inside Though I don’t believe in love But I believe your eyes
My face which is reflected inside your eyes That’s enough for me Though I can’t see tomorrow I can see your heart No matter where this road ends as long as I’m with you, I want to walk A little secret I can tell you someday I was able to see love on the moment I first saw you To me you are tomorrow So that I can see the end of this road, I will love only you
even though i see love, i just walk by it even though i know its love, i make an excuse. even though i hear love, i will ignore it to cover my cries, i laugh laudly love,....to love, be love..is my love is it really bad?? When everyone else love they are happy why do i cry my heart why does my heart hurt like this i give everything away , if only i had permission for this love w
hen my love hurts me, i continue to live, wiping my tears doesnt ease the pain precious thing...... always seem to leave my life so i've kept my feeling hidden,.. I might get blinded by your bright light of love my broken heart is worsened by this painfull affection this love that hurts me, is what i still live for

Menabung Sejak Dini

Jaga 5 hal sebelum datangnya 5 hal, sehat sebelum sakit, muda sebelum tua, kaya sebelum miskin, lapang sebelum sempit dan hidup sebelum mati. Mengatur keuangan sejak dini, mempersiapkannya keuangan untuk buah hati sejak dini adalah suatu hal yang sangat penting untuk mencapai kebahagian di dunia dan diakhirat. Menabung menjadi salah satu solusi keuangan untuk masa depan dan pada saat-saat menghadapi kondisi sulit

Saturday, November 5, 2011

‎Yuk Saling Mendo'akan Ya Allah mudahkanlah urusan kami... Ya Allah sehatkanlah badan kami, sehat pendengaran kami dan sehatkanlah penglihatan kami.... Ya Allah jika rezeki kami ada di langit, turunkanlah, jika di bumi, keluarkanlah, jika jauh, dekatkanlah, jika sukar, mudahkanlah...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Rahmat Allah Bagi muslimah

Banyak syubhat di lontarkan kepada kaum muslimah yang ingin berjilbab. Syubhat yang ‘ngetrend’ dan biasa kita dengar adalah ”Buat apa berjilbab kalau hati kita belum siap, belum bersih, masih suka ‘ngerumpi’ berbuat maksiat dan dosa-dosa lainnya, percuma dong pake jilbab! Yang penting kan hati! lalu tercenunglah saudari kita ini membenarkan pendapat kawannya Syubhat lainnya lagi adalah ”Liat tuh kan ada hadits yang berbunyi: Sesungguhnya Allah tidak melihat pada bentuk(rupa) kalian tapi Allah melihat pada hati kalian..!. Jadi yang wajib adalah hati, menghijabi hati kalau hati kita baik maka baik pula keislaman kita walau kita tidak berkerudung!. Benarkah demikian ya ukhti,, ?? Saudariku muslimah semoga Allah merahmatimu, siapapun yang berfikiran dan berpendapat demikian maka wajiblah baginya untuk bertaubat kepada Allah Ta’ala memohon ampun atas kejahilannya dalam memahami syariat yang mulia ini. Jika agama hanya berlandaskan pada akal dan perasaan maka rusaklah agama ini. Bila agama hanya didasarkan kepada orang-orang yang hatinya baik dan suci, maka tengoklah disekitar kita ada orang-orang yang beragama Nasrani, Hindu atau Budha dan orang kafir lainnya liatlah dengan seksama ada diantara mereka yang sangat baik hatinya, lemah lembut, dermawan, bijaksana. Apakah anda setuju untuk mengatakan mereka adalah muslim? Tentu akal anda akan mengatakan “tentu tidak! karena mereka tidak mengucapkan syahadatain, mereka tidak memeluk islam, perbuatan mereka menunjukkan mereka bukan orang islam. Tentu anda akan sependapat dengan saya bahwa kita menghukumi seseorang berdasarkan perbuatan yang nampak(zahir) dalam diri orang itu. Lalu bagaimana pendapatmu ketika anda melihat seorang wanita di jalan berjalan tanpa jilbab, apakah anda bisa menebak wanita itu muslimah ataukah tidak? Sulit untuk menduga jawabannya karena secara lahir (dzahir) ia sama dengan wanita non muslimah lainnya.Ada kaidah ushul fiqih yang mengatakan “alhukmu ala dzawahir amma al bawathin fahukmuhu “ala llah’ artinya hukum itu dilandaskan atas sesuatu yang nampak adapun yang batin hukumnya adalah terserah Allah. asanya tidak ada yang bisa menyangsikan kesucian hati ummahatul mukminin (istri-istri Rasulullah shalallahu alaihi wassalam) begitupula istri-istri sahabat nabi yang mulia (shahabiyaat). Mereka adalah wanita yang paling baik hatinya, paling bersih, paling suci dan mulia. Tapi mengapa ketika ayat hijab turun agar mereka berjilbab dengan sempurna (lihat QS: 24 ayat 31 dan QS: 33 ayat 59) tak ada satupun riwayat termaktub mereka menolak perintah Allah Ta’ala. Justru yang kita dapati mereka merobek tirai mereka lalu mereka jadikan kerudung sebagai bukti ketaatan mereka. Apa yang ingin anda katakan? Sedangkan mengenai hadits diatas, banyak diantara saudara kita yang tidak mengetahui bahwa hadits diatas ada sambungannya. Lengkapnya adalah sebagai berikut: “Dari Abu Hurairah, Abdurrahman bin Sakhr radhiyallahu anhu dia berkata, Rasulullah bersabda: “Sesungguhnya Allah tidak melihat pada bentuk tubuh-tubuh kalian dan tidak juga kepada bentuk rupa-rupa kalian, tetapi Dia melihat hati-hati kalian “(HR. Muslim 2564/33). Hadits diatas ada sambungannya yaitu pada nomor hadits 34 sebagai berikut: “Sesungguhnya Allah tidak melihat kepada bentuk rupa kalian dan juga harta kalian, tetapi Dia melihat hati dan perbuatan kalian. (HR.Muslim 2564/34). Semua adalah seiring dan sejalan, hati dan amal. Apabila hanya hati yang diutamakan niscaya akan hilanglah sebagian syariat yang mulia ini. Tentu kaum muslimin tidak perlu bersusah payah menunaikan shalat 5 waktu, berpuasa dibulan Ramadhan, membayar dzakat dan sedekah atau bersusah payah menghabiskan harta dan tenaga untuk menunaikan ibadah haji ketanah suci Mekah atau amal ibadah lainnya. Tentu para sahabat tidak akan berlomba-lomba dalam beramal (beribadah) cukup mengandalkan hati saja, toh mereka adalah sebaik-baik manusia diatas muka bumi ini. Akan tetapi justru sebaliknya mereka adalah orang yang sangat giat beramal tengoklah satu kisah indah diantara kisah-kisah indah lainnya. Urwah bin Zubair Radhiyallahu anhu misalnya, Ayahnya adalah Zubair bin Awwam, Ibunya adalah Asma binti Abu Bakar, Kakeknya Urwah adalah Abu Bakar Ash-Shidik, bibinya adalah Aisyah Radhiyallahu anha istri Rasulullah Shalallahu alaihi wassalam. Urwah lahir dari nasab dan keturunan yang mulia jangan ditanya tentang hatinya, ia adalah orang yang paling lembut hatinya toh masih bersusah payah giat beramal, bersedekah dan ketika shalat ia bagaikan sebatang pohon yang tegak tidak bergeming karena lamanya ia berdiri ketika shalat. Aduhai,..betapa lalainya kita ini,..banyak memanjangkan angan-angan dan harapan padahal hati kita tentu sangat jauh suci dan mulianya dibandingkan dengan generasi pendahulu kita.

Wanna be

Wanna be like butterfly, not notice from the start of existence live in cocoon just safe and without worry, and soon after release from it. It turn into beautiful creatures and fly without think or overseeing thing too much, only stop by to place that bring good sense in eyes and smell...flowers....soon afterward fade away without anyone care

Whitney Houston: Exhale (Shoop Shoop) - YouTube

Whitney Houston: Exhale (Shoop Shoop) - YouTube:

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Doa ini agar Allah menjadikan keluarga kita sbg ahli kebaikan &; terjauhkan dr keburukan "Allahummaj'alni wa auladi min ahlil ilmi wa khairi, wa la taj'alna wa iyyahum min ahlis su'i waddairi' Ya Alah, jadikanlah kami ; anak2 kami termasuk ahli ilmu; kebaikan;; janganlah Engkau jadikan kami ; anak kami termasuk ahli kejahatan & kemudharatan.'