About tabby cat
Here is a list of breeds which are allowed the tabby pattern
- Abyssinian (ticked)
- American Bobtail
- American Curl
- American Shorthair (the Classic pattern)
- American Wirehair
- Birman (tabby points)
- Colorpoint Shorthair (tabby points called "Lynx Points")
- Egyptian Mau (the original spotted tabby)
- Exotic (shorthaired Persians)
- Javanese (Lynx Points)
- LaPerm (has its roots in a "barn cat")
- Maine Coon (probably the most popular pedigreed tabby cat)
- Manx
- Norwegian Forest Cat
- Ocicat - selectively bred to create the spots
- Oriental (with 112 tabby combinations!)
- Persian
- Ragdoll (Lynx Points)
- Rex (Devon, Selkirk, and Cornish)
- Scottish Fold
- Siberian (another "natural" breed of tabby cats)
- Singapura (ticked)
- Somali (longhair ticked)
- Turkish Angora (14 allowable tabby patterns/colors)
- Turkish Van (6 tabby patterns/colors)
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