What a tale my thoughts could tell

This is Playground in My Mind. If you could read my thought, love, these are some of my words unspoken nor wandering. Just like an old time movie, to reminisce and not to drift away from life

Friday, February 28, 2014


You came to me by coincidence and embraced me. And as we blankly stared at each other, you said goodbye. You only passed through in my dreams.But now you’re in front of me.Love has come, But you say you’re leaving. I waited for you. But you say I can’t see you anymore. Always like a fool. The flowing tears tell me.
When we meet again, I’ll be the first to say. I’m alright. I hope time hurries up and brings you to me. I hope you will tell me just once Things that are unbelievable
Goodbye now, goodbye.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Relish - You I'm Thinking Of (Full Version)

cinta itu melindungimu saat kau tak tahu, mendoakanmu saat kau terlelap, berbuat tanpa hitungan balasan | cinta itu ibumu

cinta itu tegar walau perih, memberi walau kekurangan, tetap kuat walau dia lemah | cinta itu ayahmu

cinta itu tetap mendengar walaupun tahu, tetap belajar walau berilmu, patuh pada suami karena Tuhanmu | cinta itu kamu

cinta itu memahami tanpa kata-kata, mengerti hanya dengan tatapan mata, memberikan selalu yang terbaik | cinta itu aku

Friday, February 21, 2014

Good Thought = Good Deed

"Berfikir adalah asal segala ketaatan dan asal semua keburukan." Mari kita renungkan...Memikirkan sesuatu akan merubah suasana hati lalu menimbulkan niat dan keinginan yang berujung pada perbuatan.Ketika seseorang memikirkan tujuan hidupnya hanya untuk mati, suasana hatipun berubah dan timbul keinginan untuk berbuat ketaatan.Ketika seseorang  melihat keburukan orang lain, ia sibuk memikirkan keburukan tersebut sehingga hilang semua kebaikan orang tersebut. Padahal mungkin orang tersebut sudah banyak berbuat baik kepadanya.Semuanya berawal dari pikiran, kuncinya dari pola pikir. "Cogito ergo sum, aku berpikir maka aku ada."Ucapan, sentuhan, tatapan, bahasa tubuh, langkah dan gerak-gerik berawal dari pikiran.Sekali hal negative merasuki pikiran, rusaklah semua perbuatan. Rusaklah nilai diri ini.Peliharalah pikiran maka dirimu pasti akan terpelihara. Ubah pikiranmu, good thought = good deed....

Hey you...

Hello, can I say something? You say you know me that well?. It’s so strange, when you’re in front of me You can’t say anything but you talk a lot behind my back
I’d be crazy to do those things. Would I really be that bad?
The cowards talk a lot under the tree they can’t climb. You can talk all you want Make it loud, make it more, make me hot topic.
Wanna know the truth all the truth
The important thing is. The more you talk about me, it’s nice, very nice
The more rumors there are, the better it is. I just laugh, that’s how easy I am
I have about ten tails, you don’t even know. Everyone has misunderstandings
The way I smile, the way I talk, the way I walk is a bit…
Don’t be like that and just say it. I expected this. We only know each other’s names. But I guess you’d go crazy if we just brushed our fingertips.
Rumors that spread without a sound. What you want is a truth or dare. Actually, everything is depends on you. On what kind of person I become . What’s important is not me but you
You tell me first, The important thing is now, right now How does it feel to see me before your eyes?
It’s just you, the little, foolish you. Believe me? Only believe in what I say. What you believe, what you want, what deceives you is