Miss You

It’s easy to miss a man you once feel love. It’s easy to think fondly of a guy who once had a special place on you. But understanding what to do when you miss a him is never easy. You know the right thing to do, but you just can’t do it. You wouldn’t mind crawling back to him if he just shows you a sign. It’s insulting and demeaning, but you’re helpless..

The feeling of missing him in the busy hour at workplace.. The need to shared all the thought and worries you have encounter today.

Just a simple "hi" can make a difference...  Just a simple "hello, how are you today" wrap all the anxiety in your mind..

The feeling of comfort of two people who never even meet but yet feel so connected in away, long hours of conversation and multiple long distance talk and shared thought inside your mind that barely know by other near you... Yes. It's awkward and odd, rarely happen indeed.


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